Castle Combe MR2 Race Series and Nippon Challenge

Nathan Harrison would be sharing the car this weekend with Tom Alexander. Nathan would race the MR2 as usual in the MR2 Race Series and Tom would race the same car in the Nippon Challenge, GT150 class.

Tom’s first drive in the MR2 was in qualifying, he managed 9 laps during the 15 minute session, his fastest was lap 6 timed at 1.29.6. This placed him in 27th position on the grid which was made up of 36 cars.

As the 2 opening rounds of the 2013 MR2 Race Series had sustained tyre issues a new tyre had become eligible which was the Yokohama 048. Most of the grid had now switched to this new tyre but for many this was the first time trying them out.

During qualifying with my lap timer working and knowing that the previous lap record was a 1.25.2, on seeing a 1.23.8 flash up on lap 4 I decided to end my session and check tyre pressures. Once the timing sheets had come out it was clear that my lap timer wasn’t working correctly after all. I qualified 5th with a time of 1.26.0.

Nippon Challenge Race 1

After a good start and with slight contact on the first corner Tom settled in well, he maintained good lap times and managed to Finnish 6th in class, 21st overall.

Mr2 Race Series Race 1

Starting from the 3rd row of the grid on the inside and with a good start I managed to jump into 3rd position after exiting the first corner, this wasn’t to last as on the same corner the following lap I had to concede the position which dropped me to 4th. By lap 3 the top 5 cars had pulled a gap to the cars behind, with the race leader having engine problems this  bunched us up as we overtook him, this promoted me back to 3rd. After catching and overtaking the second place man I was only able to keep 2nd position for the next 3 laps before we caught a back marker. Having to overtake him on the inside compromised my exit speed and I fell back into 3rd position. Unfortunately this was the last lap of the race but maintaining this position gave me P3 when I took the chequered flag.

Nippon Challenge Race 2

After a good race 1 Tom was eager to better his earlier performance, His lap times were quicker than in race 1 which was good but contact on the last corner by another MR2 forced a spin, waiting for the cars to pass before rejoining the circuit moved Tom further down the order. Once back on track he set about catching and overtaking a couple of cars finishing a respectable 24th.

Mr2 Race Series Race 2

Due to a problem with the steering on the green flag lap the car was retired without starting the race.

Pictures in the Gallery section for this event.

More information on this event will appear soon.

Check back closer to the event date for an update.

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