Silverstone Classic 2012

SilverstonClassic 20th – 22nd July 2012

 We picked the car up from the body shop on Tuesday with a race against time to get the car ready for the qualifying session that was on Friday morning. A couple of late nights were needed to achieve it and it was great to see the car looking immaculate again. Tom would be driving the 50 minute race alone asAdrianwas on a family holiday.



 Other teams had tested on the Thursday but as we couldn’t, Tom had to learn the track during the qualifying session. The Silverstone GP circuit isn’t the easiest to learn within a half hour session. Back on the Dunlop L tyres the car was quite a handful but to his credit Tom qualified 22nd with a time of 2.43.2 in this 60 car plus grid.



 After watching some of the incar footage Tom was confident that his lap times would be quicker in the race as he’d worked out where he was loosing time. The cars were put in grid order behind the garages on the national circuit then led around to the international start line behind the safety car, as it pulled in, the race would begin with a rolling start. With one of Tom’s trademark starts he had managed to get to 16th as he hit Brooklands corner, unfortunately this is where a Lotus Elan turned in on him, popping the right front tyre and causing bodywork damage to the front and right hand side of the car. Tom had no choice but to retire the car.

Pictures from this event can be found in our Gallery section.

In car footage is available to view in our ‘view videos’ section.

More information on this event will appear soon.

Check back closer to the event date for an update.

Thank you for your interest in 22GT Racing.

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