Track Attack Autumn Series at Donnington Park.

Track Attack Autumn Series

Donnington Park would host this 3 race autumn series. Any make and model of car was allowed, classes were based on engine size; up to 1600cc, 1600-2000cc and 2000cc and above.

Tom Alexander would be racing races 1 and 2, Nathan Harrison would be racing in race 3.


This was split with Nathan doing 3 laps to qualify with Tom doing the remaining 10 minutes to qualify for his races, Tom’s  lap time was  good enough for 23rd position on this 36 car grid in very tricky damp conditions, this was a credit to himself.

Race 1

On a nearly dry track after a poor start Tom began to charge through the field, swapping places numerous times with Kevin Molyneaux throughout the race until eventually loosing out when the chequered flag was waved.  Finishing  16th with a lap time of 1.33.1.

Race 2

With a bit of creeping on the start saw a marginally better start from Tom, it was as if race 1 had continued racing Kevin from the start. After a few laps Tom was soon at the back of a gaggle of cars, trying to overtake at any opportunity. This was made difficult by faster cars that had had a poor race 1 result and having to start from the back of the grid coming through and disrupting things. Finishing 17th in this race but more importantly his lap time was 1.31.0, 2 seconds quicker than race 1.

Race 3

As the heavens had opened an hour to the race start the track was very slippy and close to the conditions of qualifying earlier that morning. It was also nearly 6pm and was getting dark quickly.

A good start with minimal wheelspin saw Nathan stay with the lead bunch of MR2’s on the grid in front, getting quicker and quicker through the opening laps and overtaking a couple of cars along the way, just as he felt comfortable with the car and started to push that little bit more he spun it on the exit of McLeans’s, he managed to keep it together an only lost 6 seconds and 3 places. He too spent the remaining laps of the race racing Kevin as Tom had done earlier in the day.

Pictures are in the Gallery section.
Race 1 is in  the Video’s section.

More information on this event will appear soon.

Check back closer to the event date for an update.

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