MR2 Race Series, Silverstone

MR2 Race Series, Silverstone 2012.

 Having not raced the Silverstone National circuit before we were doubtful of a good result as some other cars we were racing had considerably more straight line speed than ours. Because the National circuit has big straights, it was going to be a difficult weekend.


 We were the first session out on a dry track, although our laptimer was not working, I felt that after 7 laps into a 20 minute session, I’d achieved a reasonable time and retired to the pits to save my tyres for the races.

 When the results came out I was pleased to be 5th on the grid with a time of 1.14.6.

 Race 1;

 Twenty minutes before we formed up the heavens opened and persistent rain would continue to fall throughout the race.

 Because of the change in conditions we were given 2 green flag laps, I couldn’t believe the amount of standing water along the back straight, the car was virtually skidding over the top of it, I was extremely nervous about racing in  these conditions.

 As the lights went out I’d decided to not give it too many revs, which paid off. By the first corner I was up into 3rd position. First time into Maggots Curve was traitorous to say the least, with the change in tarmac the grip level went from being some to none instantly. Cars were going off everywhere, I managed keep it on track somehow and at the end of the opening lap I remained in 3rd position.

 By lap 7 I’d claimed 2nd position as one of the leaders went spinning off. During the next 4 laps I managed to find where there was grip on the circuit and was catching the race leader by over a second a lap. By lap 11 I’d caught the leader, a little pressure saw him miss his breaking point and veer across the grass. The remaining 5 laps I spent battling with Chris Shackle (No.77) who was right behind, with yellow flags and back markers making things very difficult.  Fortunately I was able to keep my composure and hold him off until the chequered flag came out and I claimed my first race win in the series. I also got the fastest lap of the race.

 Race 2;

 Starting in pole position for this race on a dry track, I knew I’d have my work cut out keeping all these guys behind, As the lights went out I got a great start and although I needed to go off track at Brooklands as I went in way too fast on cold tyres, I was able to remain in the lead for the opening lap. By the 2nd lap Richard Avery (No.6) overtook me into Coprse Corner. Being demoted to 2nd position actually worked in my favour as he was visibly quicker than me down the straights, I was able to stay with him by getting good cornering speeds and tucking in behind him down the straights. This continued lap after lap until lap 10 when we caught back markers, Richard being over egger to get past slower went into Brooklands way too fast as I’d done previously on the opening lap and ended up on the astro turf on the edge of the circuit. As I was on his boot lid at this time I was able to stay on track and beat him to the apex and take the lead. I remained in 1st position for the next 2 laps until the red flags came out and stopped the race after 14 minutes.  The race was declared a result and I took my second win of the day.

 A fantastic weekend especially as my wife and children were there to watch. Thank you to Nige for his tactics talk in the assembly area, “If it rains, you might want to slow down a bit and put your wipers on”…….. Bring on Mallory Park!!

Pictures from this event can be found in our Gallery section.

In car video’s are also available in our’ View Video’s’ section.



More information on this event will appear soon.

Check back closer to the event date for an update.

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